Shelf Drilling strives to create an environment where nobody gets hurt with safety and operational performance at the forefront of everything we do.


The Shelf Drilling HSE Management System defines the way we conduct our operations worldwide with regards to health, safety, and the environment.

  • Planning First – To achieve Perfect Execution, we must Plan every task, no matter how small.
  • Time out for Safety – All employees have the obligation to call a time out for safety.
  • Continuous Improvement – The MIST Make It Safer Today program promotes reporting and taking action on unsafe conditions to prevent serious incidents.
  • Behavior-based Safety Observations – Formal observations aimed at raising safety awareness and promoting teamwork and accountability.
  • Management HSE Tours – Visible safety leadership through coaching and mentoring to empower employees and support our safety culture.
  • Self-Audits and Debrief Systematic – Systematic approach to self-evaluation and continuous improvement.
  • Training –  Developing our employees as safety leaders.


As a key part of Shelf Drilling’s Hazard and Integrity Management, all assets undertake a Major Hazard Risk Assessment (MHRA) to ensure that all Major Accident Hazards (MAHs) causes, consequences and residual risks have been identified, assessed and managed.

HSE and Emergency Response Training is delivered through various courses, offshore and onshore, internal or administered by third parties. All employees and contractors working for Shelf Drilling on our rigs are subject to the same training. All personnel visiting a Shelf Drilling rig or shore-based facility are provided with training on our HSE management system. In addition, specific shore-based training is provided to personnel assigned to a rig that will start up for a new customer or following a prolonged out-of-service project. Safety Leadership Trainings (SLT) and HSE Supervisor trainings are regularly organized for Shelf Drilling offshore employees while Perfect Execution (PE) workshops include all personnel who will work on a rig including customer representatives and third-party service providers. These sessions provide a good opportunity for rig supervisors and junior crews to refresh and strengthen their understanding and knowledge about the Shelf Drilling safety management system and its application.



Total Recordable Incident Rate


Lost Time Incident Rate


Total Potential Severity Rate


Hours of safety training